2nd Project ...........!

Our intelligenceCollector teaching system allows to create the information base of system visual patterns with the help of a large group of analysts.
What you have to do:By clicking the"Visual Image" button you will see the picture and an empty field below it where you should enter the description of the current visual pattern. You have to write the right description. If you have more than 20% wrong entries within 1 day, the security system will block your account.
If you’ve pressed the button "Visual Image" but you are not seeing the images, only the process of loading (spinning circle), that means the pattern base are low. We recommend you to try work later.
Main rules:
- After you have typed the characters, you should press the button `Enter` on the site or on the keyboard.
- You can not type characters that are totally not concern to the captcha. That is a cheat and rude breach of the rules. The protection system will block your account for those types and you won’t get the money.
- If you see the empty pattern or don’t understand what to type, you should press the `Skip` button. It will skip that pattern and you won’t get any result to the statistic.
- After registration, when you will start work at first, your statistic will not refresh immediately. It could be delayed for 2 hours. But when you reach at least 500 pattern’s recognition, statistic will be refreshed normally.
- You should type the characters as you see them on the pattern. So if you see UPPERCASE or lowercase characters, you should write as you see it.
- You may type only latin alphabet letters Aa...Zz and digits 0...9 . No special characters (e.g. № ; : ? and etc.) are allowed.
- If a pattern consists of the 2 words, you should write those words separate with spacebar.
- If a pattern consists of arithmetic expression (2+2), you should write result of this expression (4).
- In some captcha it is difficult to recognize what to type digit zero or letter `O`. If you see the crossed circle, that can be only zero. If the captcha consists only of digits so that is also ZERO. In other cases this character is the letter `O`.
- When your balance reaches 1.5$, you will be able to apply for the payout. To do that press the button ‘Pay’ and the money from your balance will be sent to your WMZ. Approximate time of getting the money is about 7 days. The latest time is 15 days. If case you didn’t get the payout after 15 days, you should contact our support. Attention! We don’t guaranty answers to your requests about payment delays before the end of this 15 days' period.
- Referal program is a good way to raise your earnings. You will always get 10% earnings from members who were invited by you. On the page `Referal program` you can see your INVITE CODES. You should give those codes to the people, who you wish to invite to our site. 1 invite goes for 1 registration only. But after 1 invite is used, it will be renewed.
- If you have a team of at least 10 workers, you may apply to our support and we will offer you another terms of our cooperation.
- We recommend you to read frequently asked questions on the “FAQ” page. And check the site’s news from time to time, so you will be able to keep up with our changes on the site.


Now we are having some problems with payment and we are trying to solve them. For now, unfortunately, there are some payment delays (about 2-5 weeks). We apologize for any inconvenience.

The best time for work:

Ukraine GMT +2 - from 08:00pm to 03:00am
Russia (Moscow) GMT +4 - from 10:00pm to 05:00am
India, Pakistan GMT +5 - from 11:00pm to 07:00am
China GMT +8 - from 02:00pm to 09:00am
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